xMobile Ticketing and Mobile Retail Services - to Generate over $63bn worth of Revenue by 2010
Jupiter: Revenues from mobile ticketing and mobile retail services will assist the global mobile commerce market by generating over $63bn worth of revenue by 2010. Mobile phone users, familiar with purchasing digital content such as ringtones and games, equipped with intelligent Smartphones and accessing the mobile internet via faster mobile data networks will increasingly use their devices for mobile commerce.
Innovative use of technology such as mobile barcodes and integrating RFID into a mobile device coupled with consumer demand for easy to use applications is driving up the adoption of mobile ticketing and mobile retail services.
By 2010, 32% of Japanese mobile users will be buying tickets using a mobile phone.
Adoption rates in current mobile ticketing implementations is as high as 30% of the total tickets issued within the scheme.
By 2010, 87m European mobile users (15% of total) will be using their mobile devices for mobile ticketing purposes.
The use of mobile barcodes is revolutionising the way we purchase and store tickets.
The bullish economies of India and China are fuelling the five-fold increase in annual m-retail transactions for the Rest of Asia Pacific forecast for 2008.
There will be
sufficient consumer demand, adequate payment schemes available and enough retailers supporting these schemes to see worldwide mobile payment revenues reach over $10billion by 2010.
Publ 20060123
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