Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Asia Pacific wireless 2009 telecom

Asia Pacific Wireless Revenue to Grow to $242 Billion by 2010

In-Stat: The Asia Pacific wireless telecom industry will grow from US$159.97 billion in annual revenue in 2005 to US$242.42 billion by the end of 2010. The overall subscriber penetration rate for the region (including Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indian, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan) was about 25% in 2005 - varying from 6.8% (India) to 115% (Hong Kong),. The introduction of 3G mobile services is enabling a new breed of services. In countries with successful 3G launches, like Japan, providers have enjoyed higher data services revenue, about 27.9% of total revenue in 2005, significantly higher than the overall regional rate of 19.9%.

  • In 2005, there were over 859.4 million wireless service subscribers in the region, a total that is expected to reach 1.57 billion in 2010.

  • Mergers and consolidation in mature markets such as Hong Kong are helping operators maintain a competitive advantage while aiming for higher profitability.

  • Currently, mobile downloading of ring tones and wallpapers, MMA and games are the most popular non-voice services.

Asia Wireless Annual Report 2006 Publ 20060502