Thursday, May 04, 2006

Significant Interest In and Adoption Of Open Source BI

Ventana:US. Number of deployments over 1000 users expected to double in next 12 months . Market adoption of open source BI is higher than previously thought and current deployments have been successful. In addition, the vast majority of organizations reported value from pre-built report templates for and metadata integration with Oracle, PeopleSoft and Siebel applications. Among the key research findings, Ventana Research determined that: - 83% of organizations are considering, in the process of deploying or have already implemented open source BI - Only 4% of respondents said they would not deploy more open source BI in the future based on their current experience - 86% of organizations reported value from pre-built report templates for ERP and CRM applications - 90% of organizations reported value from automatic BI metadata updates with ERP and CRM applications

. Open Source and Application BI, Publ 20060504