Thursday, June 02, 2005

MDU Broadband Market To Double By 2009


In-Stat: The US MDU market totaled 5 million broadband subscribers in 2004, a figure that will more than double to over 10 million by 2009. Furthermore, the market potential for delivering broadband to MDU residents is growing (slightly) in proportion to single-family home residents. (These figures only include apartments and condos and do not include college and military housing, and assisted living facilities.) The vast majority of MDU broadband subscribers will be served by traditional Central Office-based deployments rather than by an in-building, premise-based network.

  • In the US, there are approximately 31 million MDU households, representing over 26 percent of total households.

  • There are nearly 3 million “alternative” MDU households, including college and military housing and assisted living facilities.

Multi-Band: Markets for Shared Broadband Access Publ 20050602


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