Digital Cable Set Top Box Unit Shipments Post Second Consecutive Year of Growth
In.Stat: For the first time since 2000–2001, worldwide unit shipments of digital cable TV set top boxes will grow for the second consecutive year. Sustained North American demand for advanced or “high-end” digital cable set top boxes that include PVRs and/or high definition capability, coupled with modestly increasing demand in Asia, is fueling the market growth. Demand for all types of digital cable set top boxes, especially in North America and China, is going to remain quite strong in 2006 and 2007. This bodes well for cable set top box manufacturers
Digital cable set top box worldwide unit shipments reached 12.2 million in 2005, up from 10.8 million in 2004. For the first time in the history of this market, shipments of advanced digital set top boxes exceeded basic digital box unit shipments in 2005.
Motorola and Scientific-Atlanta continue to be the leading cable set top box manufacturers, accounting for 90% of all worldwide unit shipments through the first half of 2005.
Digital Cable Set Top Boxes: Demand for High-End Boxes Continues to Spur Market Growth Publ 20060118
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