IP core routers, carrier Ethernet switches/routers up in 1Q06 as broadband boom and IP convergence continue
Infonetics: IP core routers and carrier Ethernet switches and routers bucked the trend by posting revenue gains in the first quarter of 2006, while all other service provider router and switch categories were down.
The overall service provider router/switch market is typically flat or down slightly in the first quarter of the year, as it was in 1Q06, with worldwide revenue dipping 3% to $1.9 billion.
Three trends are driving IP core routers and carrier Ethernet switches and routers up. Broadband buildouts continue around the world on a massive scale, mobile data traffic is growing feverishly fast, and service providers are moving to next gen IP and Ethernet networks while decreasing investments in ATM networks. Multiservice core switch revenue and ports were up in the first quarter in Asia Pacific, where they are still using more ATM switches, as providers there continue strong mobile buildouts and DSL backhaul. But even in Asia, multiservice switches will decrease every year here on out, as they will worldwide.
IP core and edge routers make up 25% of worldwide service provider router and switch revenue in 1Q06; multiservice switches make up 75%
worldwide IP core and edge router revenue will increase 58% between 2005 and 2009, while multiservice (ATM) core and edge switches will decrease 16%
IP core router revenue grew 5% to $510 million between 4Q05 and 1Q06
Carrier Ethernet switch and router revenue grew 8% in 1Q06
Cisco maintains its #1 position in the carrier Ethernet switch and router market, Alcatel is second
In the overall service provider router and switch market, Cisco is #1 for revenue, Juniper is #2
In the multiservice switch market, Nortel continues its lead followed by Alcatel and Lucent
Service Provider Routers and Switches
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