Content Management Software Market in Asia/Pacific Excluding Japan to Reach US$245 Million by 2010
IDC: The market will enjoy a 5-year CAGR of 14.0% to reach US$245.3 million before the end of the decade.
The content management software market in APEJ is still a nascent market that accounts for a very small slice of the total software market in the region. Nonetheless, the market grew strongly by 25.1% to reach US$127.6 million in 2005 on the back of rapidly increasing demand for digitized information, rising competitiveness, compliance issues, and favorable exchange rates. While all the country markets registered positive growth in 2005, the key contributors were Australia, Korea, India and the People's Republic of China (PRC). Australia and Korea are projected to remain the largest markets for content management software throughout the forecast period while the strongest growth is expected from India.
Content Management Software Market by Sub Region in 2005 and 2010
Source: IDC, 2006
The level of awareness and adoption of content management software varies across the collection of economies in the region. Much depends on the state of development, impacts of globalization, corporate governance efforts, and enforcement of regulations in a country . Enterprises that are early adopters include those that require meticulous record management procedures, or are more heavily regulated (e.g., banks and healthcare), as well as those industries that are more information intensive in nature, such as the legal practices. IDC research indicates that e-forms, work flows, records management, document imaging, email management, and Web content management are features that are gaining enormous traction in terms of investment consideration in this region.
The top 5 vendors in the region’s content management software market collectively contribute about 43.6% of the 2005 market. IDC expects most vendors to continue packaging content management software along with other product lines (collaboration, portals, and business process automation/business process management software are related markets) and presented as business solutions.
Asia/Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) region’s content management software market Publ 20060706
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