Friday, September 22, 2006

EMEA Thin Client Market Shows Strong First Half but Signs of Slowdown in 2Q06

IDC : the EMEA thin client market declined slightly in 2Q06 compared with 1Q06. A total of 270,231 units was shipped in EMEA in 2Q06. 1H06 continued the strong positive trend in the market with growth of 22% compared with the same period in 2005.

  • Wyse returned to market leadership with 29% of the EMEA market in 1H06. HP and Neoware remained in second and third positions respectively.

  • Western Europe grew 21% and CEMA grew 23% in 1H06 compared with the same period in 2005.

  • Thin clients represented 4% of the commercial desktop market from 2Q05 to 2Q06 and 6% of the commercial desktop market in 2Q06.

While the second quarter was slower than anticipated the thin client market continues to grow strongly, especially when compared to the commercial desktop. IT departments are looking for secure, easily maintained, systems for users who do not need a mobile computer, and thin client offers these advantages.

The study, European Thin Client Market 2Q06: Slowdown Continues Publ 20060922