Sweden: Nordic Market for Consulting and System Integration Services Booming
IDC: Sweden. The market for IT consulting and system integration services was in good shape in 2005. Strong demand was seen in projects aimed at upgrading ERP systems installed at the end of the last decade. A shift in demand from cost-saving activities towards growth-oriented action was also clearly seen.
The market for IT consulting and system integration services was spurred by investment in ERP upgrades and SOA enabling. This led to a situation where utilization rates were high and much of vendors' focus was on retaining and attracting talent.
The current good market conditions for IT consulting and system integration services are, however, forecast to continue throughout the forecast period and show a CAGR of just under 7%, resulting in a market value in excess of SEK 15 billion. Most likely this will lead to a situation where lack of resources will be a problem, even though the trend towards global sourcing will accelerate and to some extent balance the shortage of skill.
To purchase the study — Sweden IT Consulting and System Integration Services, Market Share 2005 and 2006–2010 Forecast
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