Tuesday, October 04, 2005

606 million TV households in Asia Pacific by 2010

eMarketer: By 2010, there will be 606 million TV households in the Asia-Pacific region, with China alone likely accounting for more than a third of all TV households worldwide. The television market in the Asia-Pacific region is already the largest in the world. Forty-six percent of the 606 million TV households will view TV via cable, 2.6% via satellite, 1.7% via broadband DSL and 2.7% by digital terrestrial signals. The remaining 47% of TV households will receive their TV via regular analog terrestrial signals. (Informa) By 2005's end, 30 million Asia-Pacific households will access digital TV via cable, satellite or terrestrial signals. This will rise to nearly 170 million households by 2010. Already home to half the world's TV households, the region is on the threshold of a new phase of growth and innovation. Digital technology, industry consolidation and continued economic growth are transforming the TV sector in the Asia-Pacific region.

Countries like Japan and South Korea are already clear on a digital path, accoridng to the report. Within ten years, no analog technology is expected in either country. For countries such as India and China, the path is less straightforward.

Asia-Pacific DTV and Pay-TV Trends Publ. 20051004