Thursday, December 08, 2005

Wireless enterprise spend will triple by 2008

Visionintelligense: Worldwide wireless enterprise spending is set to rise from $50 billion in 2005, as operators, handset manufacturers, enterprises and other companies begin to adopt more coherent strategies. Successfully generating revenue in the enterprise market , published by industry research company, visiongain.

Enterprises of varying size and location are embracing wireless services in multiple ways and spending is set to increase to more than $130 billion in 2008 for enterprise wireless hardware, software and services.

While some of the issues that have prevented widespread deployment of data services have been resolved, most enterprises remain organised around separate IT and telecoms functions. This corporate lack of organisational and operational convergence makes enterprise wireless implementations risky, expensive, and less likely to succeed.

The enterprise market remains one of huge untapped revenue potential for mobile operators as they struggle with saturated penetration rates and slow consumer uptake of mobile data services. As wireless service providers look beyond consumer and voice services towards more lucrative enterprise and extended data services, however, there are infrastructure, application, security, and operational issues that must also be addressed. In addition, standards are still emerging, continuous mobile connectivity remains a mystery, and enterprises require greater capability, reliability and availability to truly embrace mobility. Market Wireless Enterprise 2005-2010 Publ 20051208